

Urban Design

Urban Design

Our urban design is very versatile, so our urban designers can produce ideas and work that are indicative and specific, strategic and detailed, and this is reflected in the types of drawings, reports and forms of work that we commonly use.

A visionary urban design


Create a « vision » to show the economic, social and environmental benefits of investment or changes on a strategic scale over a wide area and over a long period of time. This is usually conveyed through a vision statement, projecting a timeframe of 20 to 25 years to explain the future features of an area and how people will use it. This can then be supplemented by a development framework, outlining the key physical features that will deliver the vision.

Research-based urban planning


Our urban planners gather data and facts about places to identify future options and examine the feasibility and viability of changes or developments in context, such as transportation and infrastructure capacity, character and density of development, environmental capacity (e.g., flooding), and local community needs and values. Feasibility studies typically include options and a recommendation for the « best possible » scenario.

An urban design with illustrative capacity


Using master plans, our artist graphics, photo montages, 3D models and photographs, our urban planners can illustrate what a development might look like. This includes highlighting important local features, landmarks and public spaces. Illustrative master plans often show just one way that design guidelines can be implemented.

Our specifications for the urban environment


Site-specific development plans specify the exact proposals for which building permits will be sought, as well as the use, size, shape, and location of buildings, streets, and open spaces. A local planning agency may prepare a site-specific development plan that outlines key required features and allows developers to design accordingly. Development plans and design regulations contain specific requirements for a site that building projects must meet in order to be approved.